Poem(-ish) – A Man of Great Character
Let me call him Peter.
A man of enviable character!
He had his failings but was no quitter.
A lot of temptations but he would not be a cheater.
He was slandered yet evil he would not utter.
His girl was slick but he was no jilter.
He was slapped around but he turned no smiter.
The truth is bitter
But he liked an honest reputation better.
He was no writer
But he penned words as cool as winter.
From his beliefs he would not totter.
He was persuaded to be an imposter
But he felt hard work was smarter.
He had the patience of a good waiter,
The humility of a porter,
The courage of a night hunter,
The finesse of a potter,
The strength of a woodcutter,
The skills of a carpenter,
Along with the hopes of an Olympic sprinter.
He had his worries, but he was no drifter.
To the homeless he provides shelter,
To the thirsty water,
To the hungry bread and butter,
To the sad laughter,
To the grieving a thoughtful letter,
Providing refuge in a disaster.
Indeed, he's a morale booster!
(Do you know such a man?)
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