It helps to look at the light side of things. If someone insults you or make you angry, can you look at the funny side of it and smile about it, it can go a long way to ease the tension! When you sense that people laugh at you because of a defect you have, can you preempt them by joking about it? For example, I’m short and dark. If someone wants to pick on me, that will be his first point of call. So, I joke a lot about my been short and dark like, ‘black pot’, ‘black charcoal’, ‘briefly summarized’, etc such that when so insulted that won’t be the first time. Don’t be discouraged, whatever defect you have if you can’t change it then take advantage of it. What you lack vertically, you can make up horizontally. What you lack in length, you can make up in width. What you lack in colour, you make up in contour. What you lack anteriorly, you can make up posteriorly. What you lack superiorly, you can make up inferiorly. What you lack outwardly, you can make up in...