Poem(-ish): Love - A Diamante Princess!
She embodies the outpour of divine grace and favour.
Her face beams with brilliant splendour
As she surges with sublime vigour!
The skin colour glows like shining armour
Untainted by the squalor near her arbour!
When she walks with majestic grandeur
And her hips gyrates in resplendent ardour
My brain was dazed as though hit by an invasive tumour.
She speaks with such flavour and candour
That the tenor of her voice fills me with fervour!
A woman of great valour and honour
Giving succour to those in labour
Yet has a quintessential sense of humour.
Why does her immaculate set of teeth remind me of Pompadour
And her adorable hair of fine horses in a manor?
Each time I saw her, my cheeks get inflamed with calor, rubor and dolor,
While my fingers shake with fine tremour.
I’m mesmerized by her charismatic demeanour
Tantalized by her amazing glamour
And transfixed by her scintillating contour!
The memories each day I savour!
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