My Best Jokes of 2013 – (Redacted Part 2; Pidgin English)

(1) Those days for school! E get one guy wen dey go out with one girl, professing love, ‘I will die for you’. My guy nor know say the girl original boyfriend na one top cult guy. When the cult guy hear say one guy don fall in love with em girlfriend, d guy arrange some of em boys make dem go handle d girlfriend lover. Na’em dem hijack lover boy go one corner. Dem give d guy pep talk:

Cult guys: When Adam fall in love with Eve, wetin happen?
Lover guy (confused): Adam commit sin
Cult guys: No, wetin happen to Adam last last?
Lover guy: Adam die.
Cult guys: Good. When Romeo fall in love with Juliet, wetin happen?
Lover guy: Romeo die.
Cult guys: Good. When Abacha fall in love, wetin happen?
Lover guy: He die.
Cult guys: Good, you wan fall in love?
Lover guy: Nooo, Bros abeg I nor wan fall in love ooo. Abeg!
Cult guys: Good, if you nor wan fall in love, you know dat girl…. Stay away from her.

(2) Abeg nor be quarrel, na joke:
E get one short man who sought to correct the vertical challenges in his future children. E come see one fine tall authen… babe. The problem be say dis guy nor arrange (no money). Instead of the lady to say she nor go fit marry poor man, she say she nor fit marry short person.
Dis guy name na Paul. Lady name na Cynthia. Nor do nor do, Paul go hustle, make enough money. One day as he dey cruise town wit em car, e come see Cynthia for road. He give Cynthia lift. When he drop Cynthia, as a gentleman, he come down, come open the passenger door so dat Cynthia go come down. Cynthia come dey trip.
She look Paul, she say:
'Paul, Paul, you don dey tall ooo'
Paul reply:
'Cynthia, Cynthia, you don dey blind ooo.'

(3) E get people wen dey like to ask 4 thins indirectly. I wonder why. If you are in need of something, why not go straight to the point and ask for it?

One man went out with the girlfriend. After eating in a very expensive restaurant, they passed by a boutique. The girl saw one nice dress on display.
She said: 'OMG, look at that lovely dress. So beautiful, honey, do you think it will look fine on me?'
Man: Yes, I think so.
Lady: Honey, let me go inside and try it on to see if it's my size.
Man: No problem, when you are thru, meet me at home.
Lady: Honey, ain't you going to stay with me while I try it on.
Man: Sorry, I can't. Looks like I have stomach upset from the food I ate. I need to be home ASAP.

My people, all these effizy and talk from the lady could have been summarized in one simple statement: 'Honey, I love that dress. Can I have it?' Shikena!

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