Poem(-ish): Grief - When Death will be no more!

I remember him with a sense of pride.
He kept pace with each life's stride.
Sadly, cowardly Death sought him to blindside
In the last Yuletide!
It was one eventide,
While taking a snap Facebook glide
With a sad update my eyes collide.
My heart was torn from the inside.
I was beside
Myself with tears and scars hard to debride!

But, onto Jah I looked for aide;
In His ears my worries confide.
O God with comfort provide.
Your word may we abide;
To your way may we decide!
O, from your faith may we never backslide
And save us from Death's deride.
While we await the End-tide
When death and Hades collide
And into the lake of fire they'll slide:
The ultimate deathicide
And to Death the final woe betide.
With the Lamb adorned as bride,
Satan's evil machinations You'll override
And Your people in peace reside.
Putting our sorrows aside,
And allaying our pains earth wide!
There's no time to sit astride,
Into His word I took a thoughtful ride.

Revelation 21:3, 4 states: “Look!
The tent of God is with mankind,
and he will reside with them,
and they will be his peoples.
And God himself will be with them.
And he will wipe
out every tear from their eyes,
and death will be no more.

©Dr Eugene’s Column (http://dreugeneojirigho.blogspot.com/)

©Dr Eugene’s Blogs (http://dreugeneoji.blogspot.com/)


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