Poem(-ish) – Make it rhyme!

The day I met you I had an epiphany
Your skin radiates in resplendent ebony
With a voice resonating in amazing symphony
To your endearing qualities I give testimony
Our souls in synch: perfect harmony
‘You are meant to be’ said Mr. Destiny
I had flashes of a wonderful Holy Matrimony

Then came a ‘little’ acrimony
From the ‘ordained’ arrangement, you sought mutiny
You left with a bye-bye ceremony
And my heart left in agony

I walked out my front balcony
Raised my hands and voice in somber litany
My body trembled with violent tetany
The day I met you was bright and sunny
The day you left was dark and rainy
Nature recognized the difference and irony

©Dr Eugene’s Blogs (http://dreugeneoji.blogspot.com/)

©Dr Eugene’s Column (http://dreugeneojirigho.blogspot.com/)


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