From my Heart (1) – Not settling for what is easy!

Life can be hard; it presents us with a lot of challenges. From the moment we were conceived, we faced a tortuous and long course in the journey called life. Not everyone who started this journey made it to the end. Many succumbed to the travails and pains of daily living. We are happy to be alive and to still have the opportunity to avail ourselves of what tomorrow brings. We are always faced with choices: big and small. From the clothes we wear to the school we attend; from the food we eat to the job we do; we are always in a position to choose. Sometimes, though, it seems life make some choices easy for us. It presents us with an easy option. Should we always settle for what is easy? How do I mean?

To illustrate my point, let me use the following scenario. A lady grew up in a community where many of the adult women settle for a road-side trade or farming. Most of them have just primary or secondary level of education. They take pride in getting married and raising a family. Of course, all of these are noble goals. So this lady in question grew up and she had an easy choice to make: attain basic education, learn to do a petty trade or farm work, learn to raise a family, get married and settle down. It’s an easy choice because that is what her mother, her older female siblings, and adult women in the community did; just follow the tide and you are okay. But, what if this lady says, ‘No, I want more from my life’? ‘I want to go to the university. I want a professional career.’ Now, that’s a more difficult path. Even her close friends question her judgement. They wonder, ‘How are you going to get the support you need to achieve those dreams?’ This lady is not sure herself, so she stuttered when she gave her answers. She was not sure how she could succeed in following a different path; but is sure as hell that she’s not going to give up without a fight. She took her plans to her parents, guardians, and all those concerned about her welfare. She suffered a lot in the struggle to make her dream a reality. But, in the end, she was successful. She made it and shone the light for other girls to follow. ‘If she could make it, we too can make it.’

Now, this lady could have saved herself the trouble by giving in to the easy path: the one that her community and her heritage have laid out for her. But, she refused to settle for what is easy and convenient. She would not be counted as just one of them but as one who held her own. She would not be just like the others but as the one other people want to be like. She chose different. Granted, not all who chose differently made it; but we remember them the most. There is nothing new in being like everyone else. What is new and remarkable is having the courage to stand apart!

Life presents us with choices. Also, life can also make some of these choices easy: ‘just do it like this because that is what every other person does.’ But remember, the easy path is not always the right path; neither is the easy path always the wrong path. It all comes down to the choices we make and the consequent realities of those choices. If a man does things simply because that is what every other person does, is that courage? Is he not just doing his due diligence? If a man sends his child to school because other parents do that, has he done anything out of the ordinary? But, if he strives to send the child to a good school, if he makes sure the child gets everything he/she needs, if he saves for the child’s education and the child’s future, if he keeps his family size small so that he can make a difference in that child’s life, won’t that really be something? That you have difficulties in a path you’ve chosen in life does not necessarily make it a bad choice. In fact, when we make decisions that are not very popular and that does not follow the norm, we should expect challenges. The thing is: don’t settle for something simply because it’s easy. Life is not easy and every good thing in life is worth the fight and effort. I wish you all the best. From my heart!

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