Poem (-ish) - I don’t know tomorrow!

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
When the greater luminary burst forth
In its eternal brightness
Awakening our souls!
It’s called today.

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
The chirping of the birds
The whirrs and purrs of fun animals
The breeze of dawn that caresses my cheeks
Beauty as far as my eyes can behold
It’s called today

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
The warm greetings of acquaintances
The affectionate smiles of beloved friends
The roaring laughter from good-hearted humour
The innocent cries of a young baby
It’s called today

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
The endeavours of man
The teacher taking delight in educating her pupils
The artist who makes works of great beauty
The farmer who brings sweetness to our palates
The trader who provides our every need
It’s called today

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
The quest for answers
The ‘whys’ of a little child
The ‘how’s’ of a grown man
The search for knowledge in schools
The keen delight of reading something new
The joy of getting answers at the doctors and others
It’s called today

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
The void of lack of spirituality
The faith of truth seekers
The devotion of the congregated
The quest to know what lies in tomorrow
The drive to please a higher being
I know hope, belief and love
It’s called today

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
It binds us together
The pleasure of romance
The love of a mother for her newborn child
The love of a father who gives his life to save his family
The love of friendship
The love in our hearts
The divine love
It’s called today

I don’t know tomorrow
But I do know
It’s called today!

©Dr Eugene’s Column

©Dr Eugene’s Blogs


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