Reflections: The Opinions We Hold!

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (7th Edition) defines an opinion as:
1. Your feelings or thoughts about somebody/something, rather than a fact. (Synonymous with the word ‘view’)
2. Beliefs or views of a group of people. (Like a legal opinion)
3. Advice from a professional person.
I’m interested in the first meaning of the word, ‘opinion.’ Your opinion about an idea or a subject or an individual is what you feel or think about that thing or person in question. It is not necessarily the fact of the matter. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a former US Senator, was quoted as saying: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” This underscores the point that facts are facts and yet we hold our own opinions all the same and our own opinions may or may not be in line with the facts at hand. Worse still, there are times when the facts are murky and there is nothing concrete to rely on. Nevertheless, we always hold an opinion of the events and things that confront us on a daily basis. It does not matter whether we express it or not, the fact is we hold an opinion of everything that goes on around us. Put in other words, we all hold an opinion of what goes on around us; whether we express it or not and the manner we choose to express it is a matter of personal choices and principles. Choosing not to express an opinion publicly or even privately does not preclude the very fact that you hold one.

Some are of the view that we all must express our opinions on all issues at all times. That’s not right; human history and common wisdom does not support that. There are times when keeping your opinion to yourself could be a course of wisdom. There are times when it’s not safe to openly express certain personal views and opinions. It’s not thoughtful or loving of anyone to express views that will unnecessarily endanger their lives and the lives of others. There is the right time and place for everything under the earth. Keeping your opinion to yourself can be a lot better than expressing it at the wrong time and/or the wrong place. Every now and then we come across certain individuals who make a negative impression of themselves but they don't need to know how we really feel or think about them at all times. Let’s not forget that expressing an opinion in line with the laws of the land is a basic human right and it is also within the purview of the law if you choose not to exercise that right. At other times, we don’t have enough facts to warrant public declaration of the opinion we hold. Why not take the time to find out more about it and ponder more about the issue and see if it is worth expressing in the first place. Remember, when you openly express your opinion to others about a certain matter, you can’t take it back and if you were wrong, the best you could do is apologize, you can’t un-express it.

Another food for thought is the medium through which you express your opinion and the manner in which you do so. Certain opinions can be safely aired in the company of close family members or friends. Others are expressed at schools or places of work to other students or colleagues. Some others can be shared to a wider audience via social media or other public means of social interactions. Nonetheless, the manner in which an opinion is expressed is all the more important. Bearing in mind that opinions are largely personal views and not necessarily factual statements, when we say it with humility and tact, others who hear it are more likely to be more receptive and then forgiving if your opinion eventually turns out to be wrong or misleading. Yeah, how you say it may be worth more than what you say. At others times, some allow their actions to show where they stand. For example, instead of merely expressing belief in honesty or hard work, they show by their behaviour and attitude where they stand on such issues. So, by the way we live our lives and by our priorities in life, we can make bold statements about where our opinions lie on certain issues. A man can publicly condemn governmental authorities about misplaced priorities and ineptitude while in his own personal life he’s inept and lack the right priorities.

Overall, speech is silver, but silence is golden. It takes great strength of character and objectivity not to respond or express your opinion when provoked to do so. Let’s say, someone insults you and you have long held some negative opinions about that person, it will take a great deal not to say anything and walk away in silence. Jesus was the master speaker but there were occasions when he kept silent in the face of criticism and ridicule. Yet, in silence, he proved that he was a man of wisdom. Yes! It’s a course of wisdom to keep certain opinions to ourselves. We are all guided by some set of principles and rules. Just like someone will choose not to comment on obscene pictures or statements even though he/she holds an opinion on them, others choose not to comment directly and/or indirectly on certain inflammatory sociopolitical issues not because he/she holds no opinion on that matter but he/she, guided by personal principles and standards, opts not to express any opinion at all. Essentially, we all strive to keep silent when there is a greater good at stake. Yes, there are times when silence achieves a lot more than many speeches. In other words, on some occasions, a lot more can be achieved in silence.

While some say that bad things happen because good people choose to keep silent, remember expressing oneself without care or thought or due regard to principles of good conduct can be tantamount to doing what is bad. Also, not all the good in this world was achieved by talking or verbal expressions or overt social activism. A lot have been accomplished by good deeds, proper conduct, hard work, honesty, humility, kindness and the likes. That is, we can fight for a good course in our society by working hard and living by example. We don’t necessarily have to come out to shout on top of our voices while doing something contrary in private. In essence, there are different ways we can express our opinions and those opinions largely reflect on our knowledge, our experience, our beliefs and values. Don’t be quick to judge a man for keeping certain opinions to himself. Take the time to look at the person’s life holistically and you will know and come to realize where he stands even without him uttering a word. Yes, whether we like it or not, whether we say it or not, we all hold an opinion of what goes on around us and whether we choose to express it verbally or otherwise is a matter of choice and principle. I rest my case. Peace!

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