Reflections: A Moment of a Lifetime!

We all have had a moment in our lives that we would always live to remember. That special moment when the earth stood still and the universe became your audience. Yes, that very moment you became the epicenter of the universe. The moment that remains indelibly marked in your heart and mind. That moment he saw her; that moment she saw him, and they both knew that they were meant to be together forever. That moment you stopped in your life’s pursuits and realized that your life has a larger purpose and meaning. That moment you made your life’s dreams come through. That moment you were declared a doctor or lawyer or engineer or the likes of that. Yes, that moment you began your life’s career. That moment you got a promising job. That moment you stepped from the plane and you began a new phase of your life. That moment you stood at the altar, took an oath and swore your undying love for your life partner and then opened a whole new chapter in the history of your life. That moment you held in your hands your own son or daughter, your own flesh and blood that came out of your loins. That moment you realize that things have changed and life will never ever be the same again. We've all had that moment whether you gave it so much thought then or not. Yes, a moment of a lifetime!

There are moments in our lives that deal with sweet and much cherished memories: the moments we achieve new heights and make new accomplishments. The moment we graduate from school. Yes, the moments we acquire the dream career of our choice. The moment we fall in love, get engaged and go to the altar to exchange vows. Also, the moments we have a complete family of our own. Achieving a major milestone in life is a moment worth remembering. Not even the pictures or the stories told can fully convey the exquisite delight we experienced. Yet, as memorable as those moments are, they are not necessarily life-shaking earth moving experiences. Some people may just go through the motions because they are of age and that may just be what the society demands of them at that age. If we take some time and take a quick look at our lives from when we were children, we will remember certain moments that changed our lives forever. I had a friend in secondary school. At the junior level, he was not taking his studies seriously. He was not a dull student but school was not a top priority for him. Then, one day he visited the elder sister who was an undergraduate in one university. While there, he saw undergraduates who were about his age in the university. That was his moment. He suddenly realized that he was wasting away his time in secondary school. He took his studies seriously and today he has attained a lot with his higher education. Though, he had several memorable moments in his life but that was his moment of a lifetime. Some of us had our moments with certain teachers who took special interest in us and guided us in the right path. Yes, we all have such moments.

There are only few of such moments in a lifetime. Sometimes we have one of such moments in our lives. If we are fortunate we may have two or more of such life-changing and life-transforming moments in our lifetime. Our moment may be when we discovered that there is a God who cared about us and who wants us to worship him. I’m not talking about the routine of going to a place of worship your parents or guardians taught you to. I’m talking about that moment, like the Apostle Paul, when you have a personal and spiritual encounter with the God whom you worship. That moment that changed your life forever. For some others, their moment was the day they fell in love. Yes, that exact moment when he looked into her eyes and she looked into his eyes and knew that he or she is the one. You don’t forget it. Even though life may get in the way and sometimes both parties separate for one reason or the other, you don’t forget that special moment you fell in love.

Even the worst of criminals have had their moments of truth. Sergeant Rogers of the infamous ‘Death Squad’ once confessed that of all his killings, there was one he regretted the most: a lady who begged and pleaded for her dear life. Rogers said that left for him he would have spared her but he feared the repercussions of a failed mission and so he did the deed anyway only that he will never forget that moment. He may not have changed his way but at that moment he hesitated and recognized the monstrosity of his actions. Saul in the early Christian times was a persecutor and killer of Christians but on his way to Damascus he had his moment of truth that changed his life forever. Our moment of truth may not be as dramatic as that of Apostle Paul, as he later became known, but it’s real. When we engage in conduct that is unwise and bad, no matter how long or how deep we are in it, there is a moment of truth which we all experience. That moment your mind says, ‘Hey! What are you doing, men?’ How well we turn out after having that moment is up to us. Will we get remorseful, yet move on with the deed anyway like Sgt. Rogers or will be like Apostle Paul and change our entire course of life? To a large extent, the answer lies with each and every one of us. May God help us turn our moment of truth into a lifetime of change! A moment of a lifetime!

No moment last forever, otherwise it won’t be called a moment, but it sets in motion forces and courses that may endure a lifetime if not forever. It is often stated that we should not live in the moment. That said, while not living in your special moment every day of your life, please don’t forget it. If in each and every day, we remember that moment that changed our lives for the better, we would strive to stay on course. If it were possible, frame the picture of that moment and hang it by your bedside. Every day when you wake up, you look at it and you are reminded of that moment of a lifetime and we pray that the Almighty keep us in that faithful course and keep our feet from returning to the old ways. We know it’s not that simple. Life may be too complex for such simplicity. Yet, even a complex puzzle is best handled when broken into simple bits. Yeah, the little things, like a leaven, can make a whole. Have you had your moment? May the memory of it help you stay on course. If you haven’t, don't sweat it, wait on it, when it comes you will know and may the life changes it brings be of good and may it bring glory to God Almighty!

Let me leave you with an excerpt of Shania Twain’s ‘From This Moment’ 

I just swear
That I'll always be there 
I give anything
And everything
And I will always care
Through weakness and strength
Happiness and sorrow
For better, for worse
I will love you
With every beat of my heart
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
(Song’s lyrics were culled from

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