Joke - My young self!

This week at work, I was surprised at the comments made by my patients. I got a new low hair-cut and a clean shave early in the week.
‘Doctor, you look so young.’
‘You look young; you must be very brilliant to have gone to school early.’
‘You look younger than my last child.’
Wow… Omo youngie, na wa ooo…
After spending decades on earth, I still look ‘young, too young, and so young’. O boy, wahala dey! Even those younger than me feel so challenged.
Well, I know what to do. I will take pro-aging pills: drugs that would make me age quicker. Are such drugs even available? The web is full of anti-aging remedies, anything for pro-aging?
But, see the irony! Many seek to look younger, while I and my ‘young self’ seek to look older. Wahala dey!
In case you are a ‘learner’, ‘wahala dey’ means ‘there is trouble.’

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