Joke – My Chief!
The words,
‘Chief’, ‘My Chief’ mean different things to different people. If you are
traditionally minded, it could mean a traditional ruler. If you are medically
inclined, it’s used for a senior colleague. There was this senior medical doctor
(Chief) who took pride in tormenting a junior colleague. This went on forever. The
junior colleague now found a way to make light of the situation. He bought a
dog and named it ‘chief.’
So, each
morning, he goes to work and receives doses of abuse from his human ‘Chief.’ Then,
when he closes from work, he goes home to his animal ‘Chief’:
“Chief, come
here. What’s wrong with you? Is your brain the size of peanuts? Why did you
wee-wee and pooh-pooh on the rug? You are just like your mate at work.”
The next
morning, he goes to work and pay homage to his human ‘Chief’,
Chief, (smiling mischievously) you remind me of another Chief I know. Chief!
Chief! ”
Human Chief
“What are
you smiling at? Where is the PCV result of this patient? Are you with me or is
your ear and brain fibrosed? ”
Well, you
can guess the treatment animal ‘Chief’ got at home.
One day, the
human ‘Chief’ was passing by the residence of his junior colleague; he decided
to drop by for a visit. When the junior
colleague saw his senior colleague, he shouted, ‘Chief!’
Can you guess who ran
out to attack? O, poor Chief!
©Dr Eugene’s
©Dr Eugene’s