
Poem(-ish) - A Special Possession - My Pot, Loyalty!

O loyalty,   You were more than a piece of property! Yes, a companion of immense probity. You saw me from the grass of poverty To the grace of prosperity! You kept our friendship with great tenacity. I have had my share of vanity But with you there was no enmity. Even in tough times, you kept your proximity. There was no warranty But even your maker did not have the ability To foresaw your durability. You lived through student’s hostel banality, Held steady against hostel boys’ curiosity, Scaled the ‘burnt beans’ brutality, Endured the Sahara Desert’s cruelty, Survived roadside criminality, But you enjoyed the ‘I was there’ captivity. Remember those years when ‘beans’ was a delicacy,   Every student’s necessity,   Even with all the flatulence and hyperacidity! O, how you provided endearing hospitality To myriad stomachs that rumbled with hostility! I have learnt great lessons from your historicity: The value of hu...

Poem(-ish) – A Man of Great Character

Let me call him Peter. A man of enviable character! He had his failings but was no quitter. A lot of temptations but he would not be a cheater. He was slandered yet evil he would not utter. His girl was slick but he was no jilter. He was slapped around but he turned no smiter. The truth is bitter But he liked an honest reputation better. He was no writer But he penned words as cool as winter. From his beliefs he would not totter. He was persuaded to be an imposter But he felt hard work was smarter. He had the patience of a good waiter, The humility of a porter, The courage of a night hunter, The finesse of a potter, The strength of a woodcutter, The skills of a carpenter, Along with the hopes of an Olympic sprinter. He had his worries, but he was no drifter. To the homeless he provides shelter, To the thirsty water, To the hungry bread and butter, To the sad laughter,   To the grieving a thoughtful letter...

Poem(-ish) - Memories

My contemporaries: Please, accept my heartfelt pleasantries. I reminisce with happy memories Of a time etched in personal diaries; Those days at students’ halls and dormitories! I’ve been with amazing visionaries, Walked with men of great braveries And competed with noble adversaries! Comrades now spread to different countries. On social media entries, I hear remarkable commentaries, Heartfelt stories Of worthy luminaries! My soul is filled with songs of heavenly canaries As lovely imageries Course through my cerebral capillaries, And my heart glow like diamond jewelries! Oh, may we find the time to maintain old chemistries; The bonds of great chivalries! As we make great strides and discoveries, Serve as worthy ambassadors and dignitaries, Fall in love and build family sanctuaries, Let’s watch the calories, Be wary of the lure of luxuries and revelries And pray for divine favour and ...

Being in Love – The Greatest Feeling Ever!

It's the greatest feeling ever: loving someone and being loved in return. While this may be evident in all sorts of relationships, I will focus on a man and a woman in love. This experience is so wonderful and thrilling that anyone who has not experienced it has not lived. I've experienced it and I’m so thrilled to relive it here. We have an amazing feeling when we buy something new, like a new car or a new house. We also feel great when we attain a new epoch in life: graduating from school, getting a new and befitting job, having our own accommodation, etc. Many also feel elated when they are successful in their various endeavours. Some feel exuberant, albeit transiently, when they are under the influence of drugs, alcohol, tobacco etc. Nevertheless, there is no feeling that can be remotely compared to that of a man and a woman in love. It is a feeling that has confounded man for ages. "There are ... things that are too amazing for me, ... That I do not unde...

Poem(-ish): Love - A Diamante Princess!

She embodies the outpour of divine grace and favour. Her face beams with brilliant splendour As she surges with sublime vigour! The skin colour glows like shining armour Untainted by the squalor near her arbour! When she walks with majestic grandeur And her hips gyrates in resplendent ardour My brain was dazed as though hit by an invasive tumour. She speaks with such flavour and candour That the tenor of her voice fills me with fervour! A woman of great valour and honour Giving succour to those in labour Yet has a quintessential sense of humour. Why does her immaculate set of teeth remind me of Pompadour And her adorable hair of fine horses in a manor? Each time I saw her, my cheeks get inflamed with calor, rubor and dolor, While my fingers shake with fine tremour. I’m mesmerized by her charismatic demeanour Tantalized by her amazing glamour And transfixed by her scintillating contour! The memori...