
Showing posts from May, 2021

Part 2: I’ve closely followed COVID-19 coverage for more than 1 year. Here are my key takeaways.

It was a busy Clinic day in the Outpatient unit. All adult patients were required to wear a face mask before entering the Clinic. Yet, some patients came in without masks. Usually, we asked those patients without a mask to get one before they could be attended to. On this day, an elderly patient walked into the consulting room without a mask. Instead of asking him to go get a mask, I gave him a spare mask that has not been used. The patient thanked me and we began the consultation. I was putting down some notes in the patient folder when he coughed. I looked up and saw that this elderly patient had lowered the mask to his chin and was coughing into his bare hands. What! ‘What is the essence of having a mask on, if you are going to remove it to cough’, I wondered. I was so upset that I kept quiet for some seconds to regain my composure. He was an elderly patient, what can I say to him! Each time I remember that incident, I do pause to think. The patient should not bear all the blame for...